New Friends

Ellie enjoying time with her new friends. Thanks to the Driftmyer’s for everything they did for us during the last nine months, and even before...

Natalie Meets Her Little Sister

Natalie came in with MiMi and grandpa this morning to meet her new little sister. When asked what do you think? She replied, “She’s...

Mamaw Time

Mamaw and Papaw came down to see Ellie. It’s fun to see the old nurse side of mom come out and handle...

Proud to Introduce Ms. Ellie Webb!

Weighing in at a whopping 6lb 15oz, standing at 18.5in tall, is the MOST awesome little thing on this planet. Ms Ellie Webb, was born at 9:30pm on May 9th, 2014. Couldn’t be happier with a more healthy baby. Can’t wait for her big sister to meet her...