
Tips, tricks, life and anything else I'm inspired to write about

It’s live!

So the fact that you're reading this post right now, means that you are now on my new website. Congratulations, you can pat yourself on the back.  Actually, I've been working on this site for a little while now. So it's very exciting to finally get it up and replace...

Help You, Help Me

It's a brand new year and it's time to start those resolutions. For me, this year I'm setting some realistic goals. So no, I don't plan to hit the gym, eat better, or run more. Ok, let's not be drastic. I want to do those things, but let's not kid ourselves. However,...

Back to Normal

Alright, I've been home now for nearly three weeks and I'm finally getting back to a somewhat normal lifestyle. I've been able to enjoy my kids and catching up with my wife. It started off with meeting my daughter at Easton Mall to surprise her with my coming home. It...

T-Shirts, Get Your T-Shirts!

One of the cool perks of being the Public Affairs rep in the military is that I get to do stuff I already love to do. So me and another sergeant worked together to get an online shop going selling t-shirts that other merch. If you would like to support my company, or...

Act Now

Recently, I stumbled over a book called, The Greatest Salesman in the World, by Og Mandino.The book outlined the most important principals of being great at anything. The book was filled with tons of amazing quotes and inspiration. One of the principals that stood out...

A Summary of Afghanistan

I’m way overdue for an update. So this will be an attempt to update you on my Afghanistan adventure thus far. Even on Facebook/Twitter my posts are pretty infrequent due to the complexity of what the military calls OPSEC(Operational Security). Meaning that pretty much...

Step 1: Pre-mobilization

So far, we have been gone for nearly 2 months. Being in the Army National Guard, we are required to do pre-mobilization training, a crammed version of everything we need to know, to prepare of us for anything we might see in Afghanistan. We have done this training out...


Just saw the new Godzilla and after drinking a monster energy drink, I figured I had some time to kill until I come down off my caffeine-kick. So I cooked up this little graphic. Here's a full resolution version if it fancies your...

Leaving the Hospital

We're finally going home. We are blessed for this pregnancy to go as smooth as it has. Given Katie's first pregnancy setbacks, this is a much deserved way to go...